There were several nice things going on these past days. On Saturday, I spontaneously performed at a comedy show in Hamburg. Also that day, my friend from Detroit, currently living in London, visited me. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to take her to a German comedy show. Turns out, it was hilarious and she can now tell the world: Germany is catching up in comedy!
Yesterday, I hosted my beloved comedyshow called “Stand-up for the Ladies”. And guess what. You can book more than one woman, if you want to! We had a lovely show with three female and three male comedians.
What would be a blog post without photos? And a show without picture proof that there was a show? Thanks to photographer Sergey Sanin, me and the other comedians got these amazing photos. Check out more of Sergey’s work on and more of the show’s photos here.
Lastly, after a gig, people that don’t have anything to do with comedy want to give me advice. Well, I myself don’t feel in position to give comedy advice to anyone, either. Better stop reading right now. Though today, I was asked for advice in front of a group of people that want to do stand-up comedy. (Yeah, I accidentally mistook the comedy workshop with the improv workshop but then they started asking me these questions and I kinda liked it). Because it made me think. And I came up with some answers that feel right. At least to me. Maybe to you, too? Did I miss anything? Let me know. Here we go, I made a list. That’s what bloggers do:
– Don’t listen to anyone’s advice unless you want to become that person. Follow advice of people who you appreciate.
– Don’t show a bad attitude. Care for the audience.
– Be present, be in the moment, have fun.
– Fuck up as much as you can. Learn from it.
– What do you really think is funny and why?
– Write everything down that interests you.
– Know yourself. Be yourself. What makes you unique? Could your set be told by any other person?
– Before doing an edgy topic, maybe start talking about yourself first.
– Every bit you put into comedy pays off. Unless you only post selfies.
– You don’t have to know all comedians. Don’t copy anyone. But kinda have an idea of what’s already out there. How can you contribute to the art?
– Identify what you want: Attention? Money? Fame? Or become a good comedian?
– Just do it and see where it takes you.
– Yeah, and of course basics like don’t steal jokes, be kind, speak clearly, learn to hold the mic.
Now, showtime:

Next show: March 22nd!