Stand-up for the Ladies

There are 72.246.655 hashtags with the word #blessed on instagram. Enough reasons to not use that word myself. But this week I was blessed. On Monday, my first comedy and cartoon gig went great (pics coming soon). And on Tuesday, I hosted my show “Stand-up for the Ladies” at Haus73 Hamburg. We were seven female and two male comedians. Take that, mainstream comedy shows booking only one woman, if at all! And three of them had their first gig ever that night on my stage. First performances are always historic! It was a great show. So great, that afterwards I didn’t even mind taking the 4 hour night bus from Hamburg to Berlin. I expected the bus driver to announce the stop Berlin – he did not! I didn’t set an alarm. Thankfully, I woke up by myself. If not, I would have woken up at final destination Prague! Auch schön.

And thanks to Sergey Sanin, I got nice photo proof from the show.

PS: On Thursday, I commuted again to Hamburg. I hosted a comedyshow at a hair salon. (yeah, big theaters, my time will come eventually). At the end, eight police officers showed up. “Neighbors alarmed us. They suspected a burglary because they heard a strange noise”. What, laughter? A burglary disguised as a comedyshow! Only in Germany. And yes, after the show I again took the night bus back to Berlin – and set an alarm. 


Host und Holzfäller



Me and my improv Buddy Regina performing GRUNZ & REMPEL (A German improv version of Antique Roadshow)



Our “company logo”



I had to make sure I had the right crowd in the room because in the room next door there was a political panel discussion – and a few guests actually confused the rooms and came a few minutes late to my show



The show title could also be “Nice people performing good comedy” <3 thankful and…. #blessed









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